
Betty Bought Some Bit Of Bitter Butter (2015-2022)

Being a woman artist, my works speaks for myself and all my fellow women. Inspirations from all around, art is not a mere passion rather a lifestyle for me. The women whom I have met during my journeys, the stories revealed through their glances, their helpless, shivering hands and the misogynistic world that I experience myself are factors that played a vital role in my creations. By choosing sculpting, I was taking the road less travelled by women, and also paving a new way to the upcoming artists. My sculptures are given new dimensions with the application of acrylic colors which again gives me my own space in the artistic realm. Identity is what every artist yearns for and I believe my methods moulded out of so many experiments promise me a seat in the field. My works touch the different stages of a women’s life. A child enjoying her ‘Tricycle’ to a ‘Shut Up’ girl to a ‘Kupamanduka’ and a ‘Dreaming Girl’, the emotional roller coasters of women find space in my canvas. Changes, synonymous to the lifeline of a woman is beautifully captured in my work ‘Shifts’. Living and surviving are words that are poles apart. ‘Tailor’ shows a surviving woman and ‘Perfectly Unbalanced’ talks about this distinction of life and survival instincts. Girls depicted in ‘Homeless’ and ‘Locked Quilt’ are women near you, in your home, among yourselves and you yourself. Finally, comes the ‘Question Mark’; when will women start accepting themselves, when will women come out of their cocoons, when will women be true to her inner spirit and finds out her true worth? A perfect amalgamation of my intuitions and my experiences enabled me to come up with novel ideas and execute them perfectly. My travels, photography, painting are all added feathers in my cap. Solitary ventures that I did took me to unseen arenas of women’s life and I decided to work upon the agonies and difficulties faced by them in our society. The wrinkled stories of women found life in my uneven and unembellished wooden reliefs without a perfect shape or texture. Dilemmas of their uncanny existence reached to the audience through the pricky surfaces of the wooden planks. I consciously take effort to prove that my perspectives on life are showcased to my viewers. Realities of women’s life etched in all my sculptures will definitely be relatable to my female audience. My Shirt (2015) Wood 21x16cm

   Betty Bought Some Bit Of Bitter Butter (2015-2022)

Mary and Teddy(2015)

Pastels on Wood 60x45 cm

Mary and Teddy(2015)

Locked Quilt (2016)

Acrylic on wood 30x30cm

Locked Quilt (2016)

Solitude (2016)

Acrylic on wood 30x30cm

Solitude (2016)

Dreaming Girl (2017)

Acrylic on wood 120x60cm

Dreaming  Girl (2017)

Asleep (2017)

Acrylic on wood 30x30cm

Asleep (2017)

Question Marks (2017)

Acrylic on wood 60x30cm

Question Marks (2017)

I am not Sleeping (2018)

Acrylic on wood 80x30cm

I am not Sleeping (2018)

Return Journey (2018)

Acrylic on wood 150x30cm

Return Journey (2018)

Another world (2018)

Acrylic on wood 70x25cm

Another  world (2018)

I could be awake (2018)

Acrylic on Wood 45x25cm

I could be awake (2018)

Rejoiced (2018)

Acrylic on wood 43x23cm

Rejoiced (2018)

Secured Matter (2019)

Acrylic on wood 43x25cm

Secured Matter (2019)

Shut Up (2019)

Acrylic on wood 68x25cm

Shut Up (2019)

Looking for something (2019)

Acrylic on wood 56x23cm

Looking for something (2019)

Tricycle (2019)

Acrylic on wood 57x27cm

Tricycle (2019)

Broken (2019)

Acrylic on wood 140x25cm

Broken (2019)

Kupamanduka (2019)

Acrylic on wood 66x58cm

Kupamanduka (2019)

Homeless (2019)

Acrylic on wood 66x58cm

Homeless (2019)

Tailor (2019)

Acrylic on wood 66x62cm

Tailor (2019)

Searching (2019)

Acrylic on wood 75x25cm

Searching (2019)

Shelf (2020)

Acrylic on wood 120x25cm

Shelf (2020)

Perfectly Unbalanced (2020)

Acrylic on wood 150x45cm

Perfectly Unbalanced (2020)

I wish I had long hair (2021)

Acrylic on wood 180x30cm

I wish I had long hair (2021)

Unknown the Explorer (2021)

Acrylic on wood 20x20cm

Unknown the Explorer (2021)

Incarceration (2021)

Acrylic on wood 15x12cm

Incarceration (2021)

Open Door(2021)

Acrylic on wood 70x60cm

Open Door(2021)

Southern Survivors (2021)

Acrylic on wood 115x60cm

Southern Survivors (2021)

Shirt Series -5(2022)

30x24x2.5 cm Acrylic on Wood

Shirt Series -5(2022)

Wash line (2022)

65x 20cm Acrylic on Wood

Wash line (2022)

Dilapidated Sink (2022)

Variable Acrylic on Wood

Dilapidated Sink (2022)

Spiritual Stompers (2022)

Acrylic on Wood Variable

Spiritual Stompers (2022)
Spiritual Stompers (2022)
Spiritual Stompers (2022)
Spiritual Stompers (2022)
Spiritual Stompers (2022)
Spiritual Stompers (2022)

Shirt Series 2022

Variable Acrylic on wood

Shirt Series 2022